3D打印技术的应用对象可以是任何行业,只要这些行业需要模型和原型。目前,3D 打印技术已在工业设计、文化艺术、机械制造( 汽车、摩托车)、航空航天、军事、建筑、影视、家电、轻工、医学、考古、雕刻、首饰等领域都得到了应用。随着技术自身的发展,其应用领域将不断拓展。这些应用主要体现在以下十个方面。
① 设计方案评审。借助于 3D打印的实体模型,不同专业领域( 设计、制造、市场、客户) 的人员可以对产品实现方案、外观、人机功效等进行实物评价。
② 制造工艺与装配检验。3D打印可以较精确地制造出产品零件中的任意结构细节,借助
3D 打印的实体模型结合设计文件,就可有效指导零件和模具的工艺设计,或进行产品装配检验,避免结构和工艺设计错误。
③ 功能样件制造与性能测试。3D打印的实体原型本身具有一定的结构性能,同时利用
3D 打印技术可直接制造金属零件,或制造出熔( 蜡) 模; 再通过熔模铸造金属零件,甚至可以打印制造出特殊要求的功能零件和样件等。
④ 快速模具小批量制造。以3D打印制造的原型作为模板,制作硅胶、树脂、低熔点合金等快速模具,可便捷地实现几十件到数百件数量零件的小批量制造。
⑤ 建筑总体与装修展示评价。利用3D打印技术可实现模型真彩及纹理打印的特点,可快速制造出建筑的设计模型,进行建筑总体布局、结构方案的展示和评价。
⑥ 科学计算数据实体可视化计算机辅助工程、地理地形信息等科学计算数据可通过 3D
⑦ 医学与医疗工程。通过医学CT数据的三维重建技术,利用3D打印技术制造器官、
⑧ 首饰及日用品快速开发与个性化定制。利用3D打印制作蜡模,通过精密铸造实现首饰和工艺品的快速开发和个性化定制。
⑨ 动漫造型评价。借助于动漫造型评价可实现动漫等模型的快速制造,指导和评价动漫造型设计。
⑩ 电子器件的设计与制作。利用 3D 打印可在玻璃、柔性透明树脂等基板上,设计制作电子器件和光学器件,如 RFID、太阳能光伏器件、OLED 等。
3D printing technology is one of the representative technologies of the third industrial revolution; it has been increasingly become popular in the ndustrial sectors and investor community. On the basis of introducing the advantages of 3D printing technology,e. g. ,digitalmanufacturing,dimension reduction manufacturing,additive manufacturing,direct manufacturing and rapid ,,ufacturing,seven types of 3Dprinting processes,i. e.,stereo lithigraphy apparatus,polyjet,three imensional printing and gluing,fused deposition modeling,selecting lasersintering,laminated object manufacturing and laser engeering net shape are given. The global commercial conditions and pplication fields are analyzed respectively and the application trends of 3D printing technology are prospected in further. 3D technology will profoundly change thetraditional industrial modes and implement the movement from traditional manufacturing to intelligent manufacturing.
3D Printing instant manufacturing service
3D Printing is a reformational technology that abandons traditional dislodging and oppressing like lathing, chgging,grinding,clamping,forging,stamping and casting,which involves technologies of CAD,CAM,data processing, material, CNC, testing, sensing and computer software.These technologies are mordenlized and widely-used because of various high tech.Without machines and models, 3D print can provide more accurate and vivid expression and functions for designers and R$D team. Besides, it can find and solve the potentional problems, by avoiding the unnecessary re-producing, which can finally shorten the period of designing. In this way, it can help to meet different needs from markets in no time, reduce the costs of researching and developing and improve competiviveness of the company.
We have gathered advanced technology and equipments of 3D print, which enable us to produce vivid model more quickly,creat any complicated shapes with its smooth surface and excellent details. We will meet any requirement of our clients.